Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Diane's final post

What was your favorite part of the program and why? My favorite part of the program was hanging out with Zoe and recording was also fun and sometimes being around the other interns was fun. But mainly it was just working on the documentary project and trying our best to make it the best doumentary that there ever was.

In many ways I feel that I have contibuted to the documentary. One way is that I was always on time, always focused, did all work, helped others, record people and places and things. That's how I contibuted to the documentsry.

My experience with working with a group instead of myself was good because I needed the help. It was kind of hectic because everyone has there ways and opinons about things other than that it was great working with the other interns.

I learned a lot of things that i didn't know before. For example, the techniques of using a camera, how to short your questions for interviews, and also how to try your best to look interested even if you don't like something.

The skills that I have developed from this program, will be used in a respectful and a hardworking way. Meaning that I will use these skills in anyway that I could. Even if the situation contains wedding pictues, recording a performance, being behind the scences of a movie, etc... .

Yes, my percepton of art did change. It it different because I see everthing as a picture now and I know when and where it is time to take a good picture.

No, my perception of documentaries has not changed because I already knew that sometimes there are going to be boring documentaries and sometimes it would be good documentaries.

The thing that I would want to change about the program was the long lectures about art because they were too long and boring. But they did have exellent information.

The program helped me improve on taking pictures well and helped me with recording things. For example, now I know how to zoom in and out and what white balance is and what it is used for.

Yes, I do plan on working with photography and art in the near future. The program has affected this because of what I learned inside of the program and I really appriciate the fact that I had the chance to do this documentary, it was fun and I would love to do this again.

Yes, the program met my expectations. At first I thought that it would be so boring, but the program has proven me wrong.

I just would like to say that I love all of the staff and also have love for all of the interns. Hopefully, I will be able to see everyone again in the near future. Til next time, may god bless you all with any wonderful gifts that you may be able to react to them in a good and grateful way.


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