Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Creative documentaries

What makes a good documentary? What makes a good documentary is having colors and having lots of pretty pictures also having good interesting information. What doesn't make a good documentary is when everything is plain and truly boring but ha lot's of good information. But what really makes a good documentary is having good shots. For example, if you take shots from every different angle, your pictures could come out really nice. The types of shots can be very interesting when you think about it because your looking at more than one angle and your seeing your pictures differently than seeing them the same if you would have tooken the same shots for all of your pictures. But the way to gain interest in documentaries is that you can have music playing in the background and also lot's of colors in your space area. For example, have the colors behind you like a backdrop of a picture. Also could have lot's of descriptive things to show the audience while you are talking. For instance, the documentary of 'RIZE', this showed people taliking about the dancers and actually showing what they were taliking about instead of just talking without showing the dancers. To have a persons interest in a documentary, don't make it where as though their board and so are you. Just make it where as though it is at it's best interest with you and the persons attention. Make people laugh or you can make them cry, don't make them fall asleep or walk out of the room. Just make it fun and good where as though they may want to stay just for a little or maybe just until it's over. In closing, documentaries are more interesting when it comes from that person who lived that life or had friends and family that lived that life with that person.


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