Opinion's about Zoe's artwork

Diane Woodlyn
July 21, 2006
Theme: Zoe’s Artwork From Other People’s Perspective
Question #1: Other people think Zoe’s artwork is amazing. What people really thought about Zoe’s work was that it was really raw. What they meant by that was that it really takes people to the main streets of Philadelphia. Also the rawness of the picture makes them think about the reality of Philadelphia instead of seeing the pretty and beautiful part of Philadelphia.
Question #2: The effect that Zoe’s artwork has on other people is that they may feel unconfortable. Their reactions are saying that they prefer not to see what they are seeing. Many people might be disturbed by violence, abuse, and nudity. The reason why I think that it is good to see these kind of things is because your beating the purpose of the photo if your trying to look away.
Question #3: The effect that Zoe’s artwork has on me is that her artwork redefines the way that I look at things now. It is like I can’t refuse to ignore things that are there. The reason why is because it’ll make me feel that I am blocking or trying to fake like I don’t see what I live around everyday. Looking at Zoe’s artwork really makes you think a lot about you, your life, and your situations that you may have had in the past, present or even your future. It is one specific photo that has an effect on my life and that photo is of the young lady smoking crack on the ramp. The reason that this picture has an specifically effect on me is because my mother has an addiction and this is one of her addictions. Seeing this picture really makes me sad and honestly I don’t like to go in the ramp. I just go to look at the presentation of the slide show than I leave. But these are the kind of effects that Zoe’s artwork has on me.
Question #4: Zoe’s artwork is about the people and facing reality. Also it is about relating to the community in a way where others can see what they live around. Zoe feels as though that her artwork should be shown both in a museum and in the community. The reason that she feels this way is because she wants other to see what she is seeing out in the real world. Zoe’s artwork also shows the true side of Philadelphia, the side in which some people choose to ignore. Her artwork is really touching, meaning that she makes you see things and places in a different way than you’ve seen before. Zoe’s makes the impossible, possible. The reason behind this is because even though most people wouldn’t think that you could be able to suceed with this kind of artwork, Zoe makes it possible and affordale where as though anyone is able to buy her work.
Question #5: What three new things did you learn about Zoe and her artwork? The three new things that I learned was that Zoe takes pictues and feels a way about them and worries about that picture. Also Zoe likes her work to be in the community because she likes others to see what they are surrounded by every day and night. Another is that by the age of twelve, Zoe could read other people’s mind and personalities. These are the three new things that I’ve learned about Zoe Strauss.
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