Diane's biography

Where do I start? I really don't know. Well can I start at the reason whyI am who I am today ? yeah, why not I think that it would be a really good thing to do and to talk about.
Well my name is Diane LaShay Woodlyn. Born on October21, 1989 in the hospital of Abington Memorial Hospital, weighed 5 pounds and 11 ounces. I lived in Philadelphia for my whole entire life. All over Philly, from north, south, west, southwest, to wherever else in the cut in Philly. I grew up to know that I had an mother that was an addict so was my father but stopped along in the process of life. But my mother still has this addicton of crack-cociane and smoking marajuana on the side. It hurts to know that someone that you love would not even stop for you, better yet for themselves. Don't get me wrong I love both of them truly, but this is like really crazy to be born into a situatuion like this.
That's a part of my past but I don't like to go back, I like to go forward and look at the good things that has come out from the past. Should we go on to the present now? Yes we should. Alright now, well now that all of the problems are almost out of the way, I am still doing me in the process of things. I am having a good time with going to my program and being funny around the people that I love and also that I like. I fill that sence I have been through things and been through lot's of them I just don't like to talk about them all because I get really emotional and sad and start to cry. I don't like to cry because I fill as though I came out of my problems strong so why start to cry now. I know that I can do much better than just cry. I have no time to wiast and time is money and valuable to me so JUST GET OVER IT! But my present is filled with joy. I'm dancing and can't stop for nothing or anyone I'm too excited and my energy is high and so is my self-esteem. I use to have low self-esteem until I found GOD and I began to rise up and be proud of who I am and to care less what others think about me. My FUTURE is going to be very sweet. I'm going to college for dance, and design also education. I KNOW that I DIANE LaSHAY WOODLYN is going to do something with my life and going to make it into a career and not just a phase. I will show the ones who hated and are still hating on me what I am really capable of doing. So 'DO WHAT YOU DO , CAUSE I WILL DO WHAT I DO! From DETERMINED DIVINE DANCER A.K.A. DIAMOND D A.K.A. TOO MANY NIK NAMES FOR ME TO LIST.